Oct 18 2007

Canal Boating through France

Canal Boat France
Explore the French countryside from your very own canal boat. A canal boat tour is a relaxing and romantic way to discover the charm and mystery of the hidden France.

You can choose to self drive or rent a fully crewed barge. Either way you have the pick of over 10,000 kilometres of sheltered waterways that wind though an amazing array of different regions and landscapes. Cruise through the peaceful countryside, past tempting vineyards and historic villages where tiny medieval churches, ancient castles, exotic markets and small local restaurants will offer you an endless stream of new experiences and delights.
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Sep 27 2007

Visit Kakadu National Park

Kakadu National Park

With its rugged escarpments, lush wetlands, plunging gorges and cascading waterfalls, Kakadu National Park offers visitors a new world of sights, sounds and experiences. Renowned for its extraordinary natural wonders and rich cultural traditions, World Heritage listed Kakadu has a reputation for overloading the senses.
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Sep 26 2007

Dive the Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef offers some of the most spectacular diving in the world. With stunning coral formations and crystal clear waters teaming with marine life, diving the Great Barrier Reef is an amazing experience.
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